Rs. 6,900/-


Light Healing Frequencies - Group 2 Self Empowerment.

2 hours over zoom

No pre requisites required

Practitioner Certified 

Do away with the judge in you that has decided you are not good enough and not worthy.

Do away with the programs of guilt, regrets and shame running within you, creating all sorts of punishments like illness, limited money, unhealthy relationships. 

Let go of the hurts and pains ruling your life and the body perhaps. 

It's possible with the practice of Light Healing Frequencies (LHF), gifted by the Star Councils.

Empower yourself with the attunements and run the LH Frequencies for you, your family and friends. Clients too, if you are doing the work of facilitation and healing.

You are invited to freedom. Freedom to have more ease, more joy, more creativity. 

In this practitioner class you will be attuned to frequencies of

   1. Self Power

   2. Self Worth 

   3. Self Confidence 

Practitioner Certified programs indicate that you can use these frequencies on your family, friends and clients individually and group healings. 



SKU: LHF - Grp 2
Category: Light Healing Frequency,
TAGS: self empowerment, heal, heal your life, power, worth, confidence